This ancient Japanese saying perfectly captures a core element to improving your angling skill. As I have written many times, fishing is a unique blend of art, science and passion, and that passion is never stronger than when someone is new to a pursuit. Like all loves, that passion can fade, but if you will remind yourself how energized you were when you first headed into a sunrise across an open bay or deep into an offshore trip or even to an overfished community bass pond, you can be reminded of that spark that drives you.
I clearly recall that as a child I was literally obsessed with fishing, and although I caught a lot less fish than now, I assure you I enjoyed it more. That is a great reminder that I can focus more on what an amazing opportunity a day on the water really is. That spark is the accelerant that generates more fishing trips, more learning and more efforts to conserve marine resources. I tell myself regularly – Never lose your beginner’s spirit.
If you like these blogs, you might enjoy my new book It’s More Than Fishing. It is full of how-to information, photos, goofy insights and my normal preachy, fishing-centric pieces. I hope you enjoy it.