Wadefishing is the sushi of coastal bay fishing. It is raw and unapologetically in touch with its core ingredients. It is a consuming experience (pun intended) that immerses you…
Wadefishing is the sushi of coastal bay fishing. It is raw and unapologetically in touch with its core ingredients. It is a consuming experience (pun intended) that immerses you…
Go to the TPWF’s podcast library to listen to Pat Murray’s recent interview regarding Texas coastal fisheries and habitat issues.
Recreational Fishing is the Solution to all of Life’s Problems. The title of this blog might be a bit of a reach, but then again maybe not. Fishing may not…
The knowledge and insight of a marine biologist has always been incredibly alluring to me. I imagine all anglers feel a certain amount of curiosity and even envy when imagining…
When thinking of night fishing for trout and redfish on the Texas Coast, most anglers envision insomniacs perched on the rails of a light-drenched pier. The more eclectic of…
There are few angling experiences that hold the mystery and magical pull of fishing under lights. A well-placed light has the ability to concentrate baitfish and provide an unnaturally alluring…
Does the ocean make a sound if there is no one there to hear it? I know that is a somewhat childish dip into the waters of phenomenology, but it…
Few people do what they were truly born to do. Paul Brown is one of the lucky ones. Gifted with a grandfather-like wisdom, acute eye for design and unique ability…
© 2025 Patrick D. Murray.